the pact between jon ong and sophia chong.
officially made on 13sept2006 , 1035pm.
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
i , sophia chong will study hard for os and go ngee ann poly with jon ong and others.
j on o ng. says:
i, jon ong will study hard for Ns and Os and go ngee ann poly with sophia and others.
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
twinky promise
j on o ng. says:
twinky promiseee (:
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
jon ong , go nursing! and be a nurse
j on o ng. says:
j on o ng. says:
go n diee!!
j on o ng. says:
okayy maybee
j on o ng. says:
ill be a really good nurse laa
j on o ng. says:
j on o ng. says:
ill be ur nursee
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
fine , i'll be your patient.
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
but you can't be there when i give birth!!!!!!
j on o ng. says:
whyy nott?
silver candelabras and elaborate white lily arrangements. says:
haha , cause i don't want you to see my hole!!!!