Today is yet another day spent with Jee& co ; jee , leon , ning , james , jaime and rico (: We studied and talked. Today is an extremely good day with them cos we all hid in the exit staircase singing with the immense echoes reverberating back to us. Everyone sang , and it was really fun. Solo , duet , acoustic , everything. Rico has an a w e s o m e voice , really. The word awesome is seriously an understatement. I really love his voice and i'd buy his album if he had one. Hahah , i took a video of it and he recorded a tad for me so i have rico's mini album now! hahah. Besides rico , jee and leon have good vocals too. Hahah we should have one ktv session at someone's house soon! It's gonna be kickass fun. (: eggcited.
Ning and i in great world city's toilet. It's damnnnnn nice! ((:
Sister and i <33333333>
Reuben boy and i (: so cute. feel like pinching this small boy's cheeks
Rico and i (:
Ning darling.
Jaime and i (:
Rico , Sophia , Jeevan.
Close close puh-lease , like brudders and sistaz yoll.
The brothers.
Hahah steam face all.
Look at rico!
After bubbletea-ing with jaime , james and rico at Far east plaza , i headed down to Wisma to meet Shengboyyyy , leolun and shing.((: I was really happy to see sheng and his bestfriends cos they mean alot to me. Sheng and my brudders. Hahah [: I kept singing "when you look me in the eyes" and "underneath your clothes". I even sang it to isaac on the phone when he was talking to leo. Hahah i guess this craziness pretty much sum up how happy i really am today (:
We had dinner at Paragon's Fish&Co and it was awesome. I had prawn pasta while the rest had fish and chips! (: i pinched on theirs too , of course. hahah. Though it was just a simple dinner , i'm really happy to spend time with all of them. Laughter over dinner , singing and buzzing into their ears , and taking photos. They mean alot (: Sheng , leo and lun.
Anyhoos , michelle came over too! We took quite a bit of photos before they all headed off to zouk. Sheng and i don't club so wells , we all went home after that. The cab we took home were freaking cool. It had all the neon lights and funny funny stuffs. Really cool (:
If only every cab has something unique , then every cab ride would be a joy ride,
Hello lover.
Leo the hongkong B.
My pasta ((:
We like hongkong gangstas yo.
Lun and i (:
michelle and i (:
"too much to say. too much felt . all i can do is wish you well."
i'm always there (: