Monday, February 23, 2009

Yowzaaaa i'm blogging everyday hahaha. WHY OH WHY.
Anyways met nat this afternoon to settle some wonderstruck's stuffs and then we headed to cold rock for some ice cream lovin' and chittychittybangbang. Yumzzz i likey cold rock ice cream, although i think it's EXTREMELY overpriced.
I think my money saving scheme Day 1 is pretty successful (: i spent less than 10bucks today and that is damn awesome.(Y)
Celebrated sheng's dad's birthday at kuriya today (: yummy, my BEST meal so far in 2009.

before setting out to kuriya for dinner. heee i didn't snap any photos during dinner cos i was super super busy eating. You have no idea how friggin fantastic their japanese food is. Plus, we had a private dining room so it was even MEGA AWESOME. I like private dining room, cos his parents tend to make more crude and funnier jokes when there's no one near us. Hee
SPOT MY NEW HEELS (: Yayyy no feet ache.
oooh spot my new blazer from thrift shopping! Hahahha.

shing driving around the porch. Hahha mind you he's only 15 years old!
No that's not my boyfriend. Do you know him? He looks kinda retarded. Hmm.

Got tummyache for the whole day :/ poo-ed like more than 6 times today. YAAA I KNOW YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW THAT BUT TOO BAD YOU READ IT ^^
So far life's great, except that i need to learn to sleep early cos my dark eye rings are krazee. And i THINK i have crow feet and mumsie say it's because i put foundation beneath my eyes to conceal the dark eye ring. THIS IS BAD THIS IS BAD i'mma stop using foundation beneath my eyes.
1) Sleep early
2) Get a proper under-eye concealer.
which one?
Goodnight people, sleep early too! ^^