Friday, April 03, 2009

Omg, i ♥ toy poodles ttm! Been wanting to get one since forever but these lovely creatures are so expensive :/
I checked them out at hollandv's pet shop before and one toy poodle costs $2xxx!!! To me, obviously i'd choose this toy poodle over a balenciaga bag. WITHOUT HESITATION. I think (maybe) hollandv's pet shops are more overpriced cos they're out to kill the caucasians there.

Look at them! They're saying "BE MY OWNER!"
Omg would anyone buy these cute little poodles for me? ^^ heee i mean poodle, not poodleS.
My birthday is coming, hehhh i know right, 3 more months long way to go but i'm giving you time to save up(-inserts evil laughter). Sanji has lobangs to buy dogs(oops i ACCIDENTALLY typed gods) at a cheaper price so contact him if you're keen on buying me one :D i'll thankew a million times and let you be the godpa/godma of the poodle.

Okkk enough of my nonsense, i was just day dreaming. Hehhh. But seriously i want a toy poodle so badly. Should i save up and buy them then tell my mum my bestfriend bought it for me so she'll allow me to keep it? (she doesn't allow me to keep dogs but y'know she'll be obliged to if i say someone got it for me.) Heeehhhhh BUT THAT'S LYING AND I'LL ALWAYS EXPOSE MYSELF LIKE 2 HOURS AFTER I LIE TO HER.
Can't lie to parents for nuts.

Dayum, hair stylist not free today to cut hair for me :/
on the phone with fionaluv for 4 hours! Great afternoon(: yayy i'm so happy, meeting them in two days'!