My head's spinning with disco pogo blasting my eardrums. Thank you myra love, we will be givers and recipients of songs! And yes, we will hit velvet after exams!
Y'know how i used to detest clubbing, now it feels weird to say "i want to club" or something along that line. I used to detest(ok maybe it's too strong a word) clubbing because from what i heard/seen, people always go to clubs with a sole intention of getting drunk and hooking up with a 2nd,3rd degree friends or sometimes worse... a complete stranger. Even till now, i still despise such acts and will never endorse such behaviour myself. I mean, why cheapen yourself? Both guys and girls. Yess.. guys included. I hate how people stereotype girls who have casual sex a slut, then guys who have casual sex a player(which is not that bad a term in this society).
I DON'T AGREE? Both gender who have casual sex are equally bad. I'm sorry if your conscience is hanging midway now or i hit a spot in you... but i'm not directing to anyone in particular.
So yes, back to the main point. Many people up till now still go to clubs to get drunk/hook up/drown their sorrows and the next day experience a bad hangover. Are your problems solved? Are you really happier? Does hooking up with someone make you feel more loved than you were or does it make you feel even more disgusted with yourself?
So, i guess my standpoint is still rather firm about reasons why SOME people go clubbing. I'm not saying all, which is why i still go once in awhile cos of the music dance friend's birthdays and girlfriends.
Holland's la mian xlb for sufz and sui's birthday dinner! Love the both of y'all, and happy birthday (:
it was pretty nice chilling out at some random corner of holland. i want to go to 2am dessert bar very badly by the way!!! ):
I've been spending a lot recently, and i need to curb curb curb. I still have a lot of expenses to cover for from now till april, sighh ): should be going bangkok again in april for a relatively long breakkkkk. haha 6 days there? I need to save up to get my bedframe and do a room revamp, buy clothes for juice market etc etc. Oh wells.
Yesterday, i tried the cookies man's brownies which is sold at taka. I'm currently on a hunt for singapore's nicest chocolate brownies. Can anyone help/suggest? (: please drop a comment or something, spankz!!
Till then, have a great weekend bunnies! xx