Hahah hello ^^ miso sleepy at this hour. I really feel like a pig!!! I slept from 2am-12.30pm today cos i wanted to feel more awake in the day but i still felt sleepy in the afternoon so i slept from 4pm-7pm. WHAT IS THIS?! I wanted to sleep longer and later this morning so i can stay awake for the entire day to study macecons
Fyi, each time i finish eating i feel sleepy. I don't know if everyone's like that or is it just me. It sucks yknow! Be it in school, at home, in town, i feel so sleepy after eating!
Bottomline = studied for less than two hours of econs in two days.
Bestie wasn't feeling well so he went off first :/ take care vokay and see a doctor tmr! H1N1!!! Hahah. So much for studying for econs yesterday!!! :/
Went to sheng's place this afternoon with the sole intention to hardcore econs but we ended up sleeping. Woke up -> went to tanglin with his family -> dinner at patara!!! (YUMYUM THAI FOOD) -> headed home -> talked to kirk and julene -> now i'mma sleep!! :D
Studying with sheng in school tomorrow, it must succeed no matter what!
Goodnight earthlings, and have an awesome term breaks all you lucky kidz.