the tall people.
I'm in the midst of my term tests now, and i'm kinda drained from studying and not being able to spend proper time with my friends and daniel. Friday and it'll be over, and it'll be time for my sweet revenge. Gonna make my two weeks break a productive one! I'm trying to update juicemarket more often and it's kinda picking up already. Next collection will most likely be up next tues. I've also started work at awfully chocolate cos i love chocolates! It's also to feed my savings and spendings. I just have this sudden urge to make my bank account multiply. I don't want to keep saving for a trip and poof, all the money gone in that 5 days trip and then having to save up another $xxxx for this or that.
Besides, my future seems so bleak and unsure all of a sudden. I've reached this point of life i feel that we should start realising our goals and dreams, and not just sit there and say we're young cos we're never too young to do anything. We will only be too old to fulfil some golden dreams. So, i don't want to waste my youth away. I want to materialise the fact that i left college for a better cause, and be a dream catcher.
Right now,
start small, think big, give my all.
i hope you little kitties have been doing well, and getting inspired in some way or another!