My week has been totally awesome + busy = tired + fulfilling.
I can't exactly remember the renditions of events that took place throughout this week.
Yea , i've been spending alot of time with my schoolmates (d-u-h) , people like debbie , ning , ami , nathasha , hannisa , swong , blim , jo , eunice , debbieW , huihan etcetc. Besides them , i've been spending a tad bit of my time with sheng ,leo and lun who just came back from Hongkong not long ago (:
Cooked lunch for lun , leo, sheng and his brother over at sheng's place (: and it was quite satisfactory for them. hahah! And i met up with xw , sanji and joel for supper over at my place too. Had tuition with bee at cck too (:
I'm starting to dread the commitments for school life now. Most of my friends are all playing , making time for each other , meet up as and when just to chit chat all while i'm revving my engine for mid year exam and promos , making preparations for piano exam. I hope all this will get me somewhere in life next time , cause i totally don't wanna spend 2 years in a jc and end up having nothing and regretting it.
So now i guess , i really have to set my priorities right. God , studies , piano exam and that's all. Yes , you may ask "where's family , sheng and friends?" Of course , they're still as important as before , but i'm talking about time management here. I can't possibly spend as much time with them anymore :/ which is very very very depressing.
Oh wells,
lun , still in his pjs (:
Pj's amazing race with bee , ami , natchong and her friends ((: YAYYY.