these photos were taken on saturday! :D
went to meet xw and fiona at rp to study.
it was soooooo not productive.
stayed there for like 4 hours and i only did one chapter of amath ]:
went to hillview to meet baby.
and we bus-d down to town.
went to taka to eat and cabbed home.
went to taka to eat and cabbed home.
yeah , anything for chusheng (:
went to church on sunday morning (:
and headed down to gramp's place.
supposed to meet my dearest isaacchan to get my mp3 but he was still sleeping.
i'm gonna miss him so much cause he's going to malaysia today.
he promised to call me before he leaves <: what a darling right!
picked mummy and aunt niko's family at the airport (:
chu came to my house this afternoon and we ordered macs.
he's very cuteeeee when he gets tickled! (:
anyways , we've saved up 730bucks already!
another 270bucks and we can do A-L-L things.
so yeah , life's pretty interesting for a olevel kid (:
am meeting lessy tomorrow (:
bye hunns!