Friday, December 05, 2008

Mmkay i went for facial this afternoon. Had body massage as well, it was shiokness. Hahaha. Why am i speaking like that! Okay anyways, it was really good. My face is cleared, two hours of therapy's good! I think i'm getting too skinny these days and it's not very good cos everyone make comments like "you look so haggard", "you need to eat more and have more rest", "chopstick", "skin and bones". I mean i'm not offended, not at all but i think maybe maybe maybe i'll look better if i gain like prolly 4 pounds? Hahah not too much yawwww.

Let's compare k (:

This photo was taken a week ago.

and this was taken a year ago!

Is there a difference? Ha, i think there's a little difference. I think my chin can stab now. Hahah right.

Previously, i said that sheng and i had a winter wear competition right and that i'd post up the photos! So here you go.


Sophia's winter! by carouselride

And sheng's.

Sheng's winter funeral by carouselride

We had the same range of clothes/accessories etc to choose from but i don't know why he chose all black and white. Hahah i told him it looks like a winter funeral wear. Y'all determine the winner! (:

Photos from bosco's surprise birthday party (:

hahah likey this, think cailing looks uber cutezy here.

bos' surprised face!

a quater gone when sister sent me to take cab.

I have no plans tomorrow suck shitzzzzz ): another boring day. Sheng's gonna take some time off to go source out some clothes with me on saturday. I have 2/3 the mind to set up my own blog shop but i have to take quite a long time to get everything done cos i don't want to sell what most blogshops are selling. I need to set up my lj and make it nice nice considering i'mma lj noob, need to source out clothes, order from suppliers, go hongkong and order some too, then collate stuffs and start selling.
SO PLEASE SUPPORT ME IF EVERYTHING FALLS INTO PLACE. Will update y'all when more stuffs are done. Right now, not one is settled. Hahah byeeeeee!