[Dinner with isaac and jiayi(:]
There's a sudden outburst of emotion after a strange night of talking to D about people antics and life. I can comprehend yet unable to tolerate the ways of life sometimes, how superficial it can get and how some people can treat life like a cheap piece of wood.
Inevitable it is, it's annoying how people are almost entirely moulded by the environment they are in and the people they hang out with. I don't mean to sound self-righteous, so pardon me if i do at any point of time. I honestly detest the sight of seeing someone i know who was a nice little angel morph into someone who's completely different from whom i knew she/he was. I remember this being the reason why a certain close friend of mine and i falling out.
People who are nice, simple, genuine, sincere, have self-respect, and are selfless ; someone who just stands out in the crowd in a non-superficial way. I really like people who are like that, and i'm sure many others do too even sometimes we ourselves don't have such attributes. And sometimes, when people like that are fed with unhealthy attention or try to be someone who can blend in better with the supposedly "cool" crowd, they morph into someone who may be always be in the limelight in people's eyes but no longer touch humans' hearts. Saddening, no?
Why can't we just appreciate being ourselves, being what god has given to us? Why can't we embrace who we really are, beings that people first fell in love with and will not fall out of it? I just abhor how fame and attention can totally change someone. I know it's inevitable for some slight changes and that's perfectly fine, but when you look at a friend with still the same face but no longer shining from inside like how he/she used to... yknow that it's not fine at all.
Like i said, we do not even own traits we like in others... so i'm just saying.
On a brighter note, i had a wonderful day with D just watching law abiding citizens, having dinner+icecream+grape vinegar juice+jagabee, and having htht in the dark.