Life is like a broken vase. Once broken, the crack will always be there and there's impossibly any way to mend it. Life is fragile, life is priceless. Life is everything i want to embrace tightly right now, it's something that i won't exchange for anything else. Not the prettiest face, not the cold hard cash, not the fad. How slow and how long it took for me to come to realization every day every hour every minute every second spent with someone whom you may take for granted, may actually be the very moment you just wish it could replay just once, just this one time. You may hate doing something or going somewhere with a person who is important which you may not realise at first, you may hate doing this routine thing with that particular someone, you may hate laying your hands on the things which you jolly well should ought to treasure. You may then one fine day hope you could just do it all over again, that actually, it was not that much of a hassle afterall. Maybe maybe maybe that someone hates it more than you do but he/she is willing to do it for you solely because he wants the best for you and not for himself. He might be that someone who's been motivating you in whatever you do, perfecting things for you, making your saturdays special but you took it for granted, or you are oblivious to it. He could have just been that soul who watched you grow up, watch you change, did everything like a father or a brother could do. And snap, he crumbled oh yes he did. He can't be that someone he used to be anymore because of unforeseen circumstances. He can't do the routine things with you, he can't hold your back nor your tears anymore, he can't make your day with just that slightest smile ever which you took for granted. As much as he wants to, circumstances don't permit him to be that man he used to be. He can't arrange every single thing for you, he can't correct you when you play your tunes wrongly, he can't fix his hands on the piano to play you the right way you're supposed to do it. Even when your exam's next week, he arrange for someone to make sure you get the best guidance even if it means he has to get out of his ward.
Then you regret how you used to lie to him about having project work or being sick just so you can skip your lesson or whatsoever to have another half an hour of nap or to be out with your friends, how often times his advice fell on deaf ears. It took me long enough to realise the folly i was sunken in, the lack of ability to truthfully appreciate every single one around me even though they might not seem important at any point of time. I believe God has a purpose and plan for planting people in our lives. As much as we hate to accept it, everyone is precious and everyone is in your life for a reason. One of it is for you to appreciate them while you can.