Thursday, July 12, 2007


okay , i've not taken enough photos for my birthday cause there're more to come.

so here's what i have to say -short and sweet.
thanks to those who remembered , wished me , loved me in ways you can.

thanks ,
daddy , mummy , sister , baby , xiaowei , joelang , alistair , fionadarling , isaacchan , irvinong , limjiayi , kenziong , elishelim ,ruiqi , nasriah ,shermaine , shandy , meilina , sijie , marvin , leonard , aaronleong , antheatan , wanqin , juleneang , rebecca , deanna , natasha , rudy, caleb , sophie , mdmwan , veragoh , angelyntan , estherweez, kirkzhang , gabrielgoh , leo , dharham , xianwen , leont , shaunlim , jon ong , jasontan , pornchai , matthieu , sanji , joelleong , celinechua , raffy , tuckwah , adamtie , jericwong , nathanael wee , nathaniel lim , joash ang , jonathan ang , hillary , natalie , aunty niko , aunty connie , cheriegan , crystal poh , amanda ho , clementlim , roytong , xt , quixia , sebastianwong , shah , benyeo , simontee , erwin tirta , leonsee , teomin , francesca , carmentham , liyana , xueyi , brandaloh , gary , kirstenchua and sean.

this is really all i can remember and i'm sorry if i didn't mention your name. i appreciate everyone's blessing , gifts and all (:

&& HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEO CHU CHUN LAM! :D (i'm one and half hour early! )

(((: you're one gooooooooood friend!

photos another day.