Got scolded by her for skipping lessons too often &&& , you know she never ends. (NEVER.)
Facing her for a minute is virtual suicide.
Things were pretty bad during amath lesson too. I think all the teachers either got hit by menopause/ friday boom / they're stressed. Nevertheless , my friends always make me smileeeeeeeeee real bad. Haha.
Physics teacher had to make it worse by forcing the comb science students to join the pure science class. So this is a random snapshot i took in physics lab (:
Yeah , they're way hotter than brad pitt yes.
Went to irvin's house and stayed there for only a while and i went to meet angelyn , fiona and vera for lunch! :D I had meat balls soup and i finished half of it , so proud of myself please. (not)
Walked to bestie fiona's house and we wanted to study together , but we didn't. Ate cereal , yoghurt and icecream. :D DO YOU GUYS KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVEEEEE THEM! no you don't , you can't comprehend!
We had fun talking , planning for our australia trip , gossipping and taking ugly photos! (: Anything but study. We left at 8plus i think? It was so dark on the way out , so scary! >:
I'm gonna meet two pretty girlfriends and one handsome boy-friend tomorrow for some stuffs.
So yea , i'm gonna bathe and study now! (:
Goodbye mei ge ren.