Monday, February 09, 2009

During work today.

meet my friend - "always there"

hahah i'm starting to like my face better without make up already. As like like without foundation or blusher or any powder. Just like it bare face with eyeshadow+eyeliner.

Hello earthlings! Tomorrow(i mean today) is FINALLY my off day(yay!). Will be trimming brows, shopping, and sourcing new stocks with nutsy tomorrow (: i hope i can come back early to rest cos i'm ying of fatigue already.

Hahah i don't want to work under people next time so i'll try to save up enough moolah to start up my own business. Once i hit 21, i want to be an owner of some sort of cafe or better still, a wonderstruck boutique with tons of chain outlets. Hahah. Don't laugh, dreams do come true.

Here are some photos from the previous photoshoot! (quite a handful actually haha). I won't put nat's photos up cos y'know privacy and stuff.

Tell me what you think about them and give us some ideas to spice up the photos a little k. Or like tell us if you think our expression is not good enough or what not. (: Anyways, if you like any of the items feel free to drop us an email at (: we've some more pieces left.

Hokay, recently i'm addicted to this japanese snack which looks like french fries. $2 for 1 can, and i'm buying 2 cans almost everyday! Yummy ttm. Hahha maybe i'll take photo of it and upload it into my blog so y'all can go and try!

And on a super random note, i miss bestie alist gazillion times. I saw his photos in some facebook album and my heart sank, because i really want to meet him very badly. It sucks, really. Hahah i know all this sounds so gay but damn, i wish i could be wonderwoman then i can fly by his school to catch his pretty boy face. Hahahahha. OK THIS IS STARTING TO SOUND WRONG, SO I SHALL STOP. Bottomline, i miss my bestest best friend.