Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hi girls, wonderstruck #5 will be launched tomorrow(21st feb) at 12noon tomorrow! (:
Hahah got some extra pieces for myself too.

Nat and i went for photoshoot today, then went to haji lane to shop and eat. Hee. We bought the same pair of crocodile skinned sandals from ohsofickle boutique. Yumyum, happy kidz. STOP SHOPPING NAT STOP SHOPPING! Hahahaaa i need to control too.
Hokay i think i should do something meaningful tomorrow. Maybe like get sheng's dad's present?Get myself a pair of (waaaa to die for) heels? Spend some time with sheng? Meet leo? Bake(without an oven at home, mm)? Or stay at home to reply mails? hahah.
Kk, you guys have a good weekend! My blog hits today sucks, WHY Y'ALL NEVER READ! Heee ^^