Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Luke chapter 4.

Hello earthlings,
i met bosco and danny for breakfast at a hawker centre in jurong and we just chitty chitty bang bang for quite some time. I miss the whole clique alot, especially jeevan! Stop drinking so much y'all!
Then i took a bus to westmall and mailed out some item and did some shopping. I wanted to try watching movie alone today cos i think it'll feel better than being accompanied. I'm sorry but i think it's best to seek serenity in solitude. However, the movies screening now are not appealing enough so i went to the library instead. I sat down on a couch with three books - judge and jury, a book on japan and lastly, a book titled "know christianity within a taxi ride". The latter appealed to me the most so i saved it for the last.
As i flipped through the book on christianity, i felt that the author has distorted so many truths about christianity, about my god. I was actually feeling very angsty cos the book was filled with sarcasm, and i don't like it at all. I'm 100% positive that god rose from death and ascended to heaven, but that book said "you never know he was buried by his disciples and then they claimed that he disappeared to heaven" and stuff like "Jesus has followers like how celebrities have their fans ". It's bullshit and for goodness sake, WHAT A LOUSY COMPARISON AND HOW UNCONVINCING IT IS. I wished so badly i could burn that book and leave. Left the library feeling so pissed, i went to a christian book shop to look for 28373453724981 times better books and i found it (: So i just sat in to read and listen to hillsongs. That's the serenity i want, seeking god any time of the day. Maybe the non-christians will go like -.- at me, but being able to settle into god's presence or just being able to read his word is probably the best thing to do.
Yup so after reading a tad bit(not too much if not the shop owner will make me buy the book which i might sooner or later haha), went to get some stuffs to hold my large collection of earrings and something to do with my hair.(: Ciao!