Post birthday celebration for GWENDOLYN HOO <3!>
sunday , 27th april 2008.
Had a mini birthday celebration for baby gwen at her place with just two families. She's sucha sweetie , right? (: all of us got her something each and she loves everything , especially the one my dad got her. Sheng and sm came over too. We had so much fun camwhoring , playing , eating and talking. That's quality time yoll! (:
Orighty , pictures!
gwen baby and i (:
Anything besides that have been fine.
Thank you sanji , xw , joel and crystal for everything. Your words will bring me far , i promise. These bestfriends of mine are people whom i'll never ever ever ever even think of drifting apart from. Thank you Fiona who has been listening and talking to me almost everynight (: thank you for always being the one who'll be there for me be it in times of joy or distress. I love you beyond words can comprehend. Thank you Sheng , for being my pillar of strength all the time. For being a loverboy , for all that you are to me. Thank you my family who is the love of my life , and always showering me with unceasing love no one could ever give. Thank you bee for listening me out last night. I told you all that stuffs because i love you as my good friend , and i want these two years to be a blast for us. Thank you Irvin , for that email which gave me the courage to reconcile things between us. Thank you jiayi , for constantly sending me messages of love (:
And thank you my father in heaven , for sending these people into my life.